Community Gathering
Sunday, March 23, 2025 • 23 Adar 5785
9:30 AM - 12:00 PMFayerweather Street SchoolJoin KB in person or online for a short service, a guest speaker, and some time to schmooze! Childcare will be available.
Approximate Schedule
9:30am - candle lighting & blessings
9:40am - announcements and service
10:15am - schmooze
11:00am - program: How to Talk About Anti-Semitism and Build Alliances
How to Talk About Anti-Semitism and Build Alliances
with KB member Gladys Maged
There has been a rise in antisemitism over the past few years. How does this impact us and our families? How does it impact KB, other Jewish organizations and the Jewish people at large? Can we slow down the spread of anti-Jewish ideas and educate people about the real experience, identities, trauma and concerns of the Jewish people? How do we build effective allies among people who don’t mean harm but nonetheless spread wrong ideas? During this program, we will learn effective ways to respond to antisemitism while building stronger allies among non-Jews. There will be time to share your experiences, practice new techniques, and ask questions.
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