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Social Action

Social action is an integral part of the Kahal B'raira community. The Social Action Committee organizes:

  • Hands-on projects and activities that educate members and offer meaningful experiences for adults, teens, and children
  • Hunger relief efforts: volunteering at farms, food pantries, homeless shelters, and food drives
  • Foster care projects: holiday gift drive and welcomes boxes
  • Annual blood drive

Anti-Racism Book Group

KB members are invited to join our book group where we will learn together through reading, self-reflection, and discussion. We will read both non-fiction and fiction (current and historical fiction) and will also share online resources with each other that will support our learning and current experiences. This is a peer-supported group and not led by an expert on the subject. We are on a learning journey and hope you will join us.

Read more about anti-racism book group here. To get involved, please email group leader Melinda Rothstein, or email Lidia at

LGBTQIA+ Working Group

The LGBTQIA+ Working Group learns about the issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community, looking at this social justice issue through humanist and Jewish lenses, and bring awareness and opportunities for tikkun olam to the congregation. Please join us! Members and non-members are welcome. You can read more about the working group here. If you are interested, please email Lidia at

Thu, 26 December 2024